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A deep method,
but friendly at the same time.

We took the first three letters of the alphabet to create a system that invites us to reflect on the meaning of what we are doing, on the story, and the abc.

And at the same time, it helps us to think about the priorities of that story (a, b, and c)


It’s a tool that can help us to find THE meaning IN the most seemingly mundane tasks at work. WE THINK IT’S in these tasks THAT meaning can sometimes be lost.

Because it’s repetitive.
Because we have a lot to do.
Or simply because we don’t ask ourselves what the meaning of the task is.

Thinking about the meaning of things we do helps us to focus and to collaborate better with others.

We aren’t talking about grand statements of corporate purpose. This is the abc, something more basic and day-to-day in both the way we relate to others and the tasks we perform.

It’s good to think about the meaning behind small tasks. We can draw a similarity with the expression “look after the pennies, and the dollars will look after themselves.


We felt that it was in these daily, most basic or most typical tasks that perhaps we most need to ask ourselves what the meaning behind them is.

This is a support tool that’s easy to remember and easy to use when we interact with our co-workers.

Especially when we interact with teams under different management. Where it’s very important to make micro-agreements regarding shared tasks or tasks that affect other areas.

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This is a friendly way to ask your colleagues what they are doing in your area. What is their abc?

That way, everyone is on board and working towards the same goal.

The abc helps us open dialogue, to reach agreements in daily interactions with co-workers and bosses. What’s the abc of what you are proposing? I.e., What is the meaning of this task and the three priorities involved?

It also helps us to remember what is most important about a meeting, beyond the agenda or the conversations.

It helps us plan our day or month, and to not forget what we decided was most important, regardless of the emergencies that may arise.




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® Name, concept and associated methodology protected by copyright.
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It might seem basic, but it’s exactly what we think is most necessary: to go back to basics, to remember the abc’s of everything we do.


With time, the abc becomes part of daily conversations.

It’s simple, and highly enriching.


Abc symbolizes the basic meaning behind something.


Abc is also the priorities within that story.


Abc is noting down why something you do has meaning, beyond just being a task to be completed.

Abc is caring about what’s important

Abc helps everyone focus on the same story.

Abc also helps us remember and demand priorities.

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